
isopach map中文是什么意思

  • 等厚图



  • 例句与用法
  • In essence, this isopach map represents the simulated paleotopographic surface of the eroded mississippian .
  • Through the analysis of petrology characteristics and individual well section of sedimentary facies of five core holes , direction of sedimentary source area , the depositional framework and main facies types and its features of penglaizhen formation , baimamiao - songhua area are elaborated on the basis of sedimentary backgroud of region . from this above , in view of the study of the correlation of 3 cross sections of sedimentary facies , it is pointed out that distribution regularities of sedimentary facies and possible places of distribution of sand bodies of iii , iv member of penglaizhen formation are vertically and laterally developed in baimamiao - songhua area . by the analysis and contrast of seven plans of sedimentary facies and nine isopach maps of sandstone , the planar characteristics of distribution of sedimentary facies are summarized , meanwile , macroscopic distribution regularities of sand bodies is studied in iii , iv member , penglaizhen formation of baimamiao - songhua area
    通过5口取心井的岩石学特征、单井剖面相分析,结合区域沉积背景,阐述了研究区蓬莱镇组的物源方向、沉积格局、主要沉积相类型及其特征;在此基础上,通过3条连井剖面的沉积相对比研究,揭示了研究区蓬段、蓬段纵向与横向上沉积相的分布规律及砂体的大体分布位置;通过7张沉积相平面图、 9张砂岩等厚图的分析对比,总结了蓬段、蓬段沉积相的平面分布特征,宏观上研究了蓬段、蓬段的砂体展布规律。
  • On the basis of sand dividing and isochronous tracing correlation which is making in supershort - term cycle sequence , choose two layers of 11 and 35 as units to make isopach map of sand and isochronous depositional microfacies map in short time and big scale . comparison with the same work which was made by predecessor , the precision and degree of reliability of these maps is outstanding
    在相当超短期旋回层序级别的砂层划分和等时对比基础上,选择1 ~ 1和3 ~ 5两砂层为编图单元编制大比例尺短时间尺度的砂体等厚图和等时沉积微相图,并与前人所编的同类图件进行比较,突出了本文所编图件的精度及可靠程度。
  • 百科解释
An isopach map is a map illustrating variation of thickness within a tabular unit or stratum. Isopachs are contour lines of equal thickness over an area.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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